Immature Sooty Tern Sooty Tern Sooty Tern Common Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Antarctic Tern Wilson’s Storm Petrel White-faced Storm Petrel White-faced Storm Petrel European Storm Petrel European Storm Petrel Black-bellied Storm Petrel Brown (Subantarctic) Skua Brown (Subantarctic) Skua Brown (Subantarctic) Skua Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Great Shearwater Flesh-footed Shearwater Flesh-footed Shearwater Flesh-footed …
Category: Blog

Bustards Banter – Vol 3 – Twitching, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Vietnam
It’s been a little while since our last newsletter. You can view the whole newsletter here (spoiler alert: it features a lot of pittas!) .

Bustards Banter – Vol 2 – Vietnam
As intrepid Bustards helping others explore the world of birds, we often have to undergo the hardship of visiting new countries. Niall Perrins has such a misfortune of having to do a recce trip to Vietnam in March 2016. We will join the guide of one of the best birding companies in the country, Vietnam …

Bustards Banter – Vol 1 – Northern Cape, Southern Moz Reports
Welcome to the first edition of Bustards Banter. We’ve been busy leading some interesting and successful trips over the past few months. Northern Cape (June 2015): This popular trip through the dry Northern Cape is focused on finding the range restricted larks of the area, as well as several more enigmatic species that favour these …